Sunday 9 September 2012

Model Of Mobile Communication Network

The Final Model
Seeing the heading most of you must be wondering why should someone need something like this when the real thing is with everyone! Ya You are right, I also thought like that at first. But the person who inspired us to do this project told us to conduct a survey on some people about how much they know about the working of the communication network. Actually the outcome was a little unexpected.( Hey I'm talking about common people!;-)) Most of them in-spite of using these things don't know how it works. So me along with my group members decided to take this project as our Main Project for our B.Tech Degree. We were guided through out the project by our Professor. Mrinalini C P, Government Engineering college, Sreekrishnapuram, Pallakad. My Team consists of of-course me. Sakir P M K, Fairoose E K, Femina Zachariya and Lavanya V. The course of work will be explained in the following posts.

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